Another year...and what a year!

How do you even begin to wrap up 2020 with a word?
There is always an exhale of relief at the end of any year, time to unwind, relax and spend time with those we love however this year especially has seen us overcome and endure enormous challenges through COVID-19, so much so that surely, we are all overdue for a decent holiday! Whenever that may be!
Reflecting on the years events, it’s always a positive to acknowledge our achievements – and never has there been a greater time to pat ourselves on the back – and celebrate the big, medium and small wins, thanking those who have made a difference to our 12 months.
I think most will agree with us when we say that 2020 has challenged us, not just personally but professionally in our day to day lives. We have had to alter how we conduct meetings, change our workspace, redesign our training methods, and rethink the way in which we relate to one another.
We have been very lucky to feel supported whilst redesigning our training courses to ensure we were still able to deliver to our students when we were unable to travel and although COVID-19 has brought on so many changes and challenges, we can probably all agree that we have learnt new ways of interacting and in some ways, more efficient ways of conducting business on a day to day basis. Innovation has certainly become a buzz word for businesses this year and embracing these changes has been an essential to ensure ongoing success.
This year, Ballistic Training Solutions added several new courses to our scope, broadening our horizons and keeping things interesting! We are always looking for new opportunities to engage with the training world as well as new possibilities for our students and are excited about our future 2021 projects.
We have seen so many incredible students complete their qualifications and short courses with us and we are very proud to be a part of their educational journey - no matter how big or small. We would be a lonely training organisation without our students and it would be impossible to end our year without thanking those who keep us in business! Your desire to learn and extend yourselves is what drives us and keeps our trainers passionate about what they do. We are thankful you have chosen to study with us and we wish you every possible success in 2021!
Our enrolments are open and waiting for your registration so please reach out if you are looking for something to sink your teeth into for the new year. In the meantime, have a wonderful holiday period, stay safe and healthy and we will see you to do it all again next year!
- The Ballistic Training Solutions Team x.