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PUAFIR209B Work Safely around aircraft

Course Overview

This unit covers the competency required to apply safe work practices when operating in or around aircraft at an airbase and when engaged in a range of non-specialist, air operations activities.

Aviation operations occur in a heavily regulated environment. Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements are applicable to this unit.


This unit applies to personnel performing primary aviation roles within the Australasian Inter-service Incident Management System (AIIMS) and all other aviation support roles when operating in or around aircraft. The primary AIIMS aviation roles that require this unit are Air Operations Manager, Aircraft Officer, Air Observer, Air Attack Supervisor and Air Base Manager.


This unit is also used in conjunction with aerial pest control related activities for certified aerial marksmen’s proficiency in aircraft safety, loading, unloading and embarking procedures.


Available Units of Competency

·       PUAFIR209B      Work safely around aircraft (Elective)


Entry Requirements / Pre-Requisites

·       Nil licencing

·       Must not be a prohibited person for operating in secure airport area (airside)

·       Eligibility should be assessed against requirements for issuance of an Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC) (Current ASIC holders preferred)


Qualification Structuring Rules

Unit: 1 Unit - PUAFIR209B – Work safely around aircraft


Delivery Options

Face to face, workplace assisted and remote delivery support strategies available.


Course Duration: 

1 - 2 Days depending on student & client requirements, worksite workshop delivery linked to worksite operational employment activities supported by Trainer/Assessor visits. Each client’s requirements being considered, some homework activity and student time management will be important to ensure we maintain the volume of learning requirements on this qualification.

​If delivered in conjunction with the use of firearms for pest control activities from aircraft this unit will be assessed by our expert environmental firearms instructor/s with qualifications, certifications and a background in aviation, humane, ethical, environmental animal management.



Cost is determined based on the individual student requirements, assessment strategy and any potential funding applicable.

As an indicative guide the following options are available with this program:


·        Qld User Choice Program Eligible - No

·        Qld Certificate III Guarantee Eligible Program - No

·        Non-Funded Full Course Fee - $450

·        RPL Assessment Fee – N/A


Full details of fees and charges are available from Ballistic Training Solutions by contacting one of our consultants to discuss your individual requirements.



On successful completion you will receive a Nationally recognised Statement of Attainment. ​


Education Pathways

This program is part of the Aviation Training Package along with the Forest and Wood Products Training Package and the Public Safety Training Package and links to further qualifications at the Certificate II, Certificate III, Certificate IV and Diploma levels in various qualifications.


Occupational Pathways

·        Primary Producers with aerial muster or spraying activities

·        Aerial Research Officers / Wildlife Officers

·        Certified Aerial Marksmen

·        Shooters engaging in environmentally sustainable hunting or pest management activities around aircraft

·        Ground crew, support crew and emergency service personnel


Summary of Learning & Competency Outcomes


·       Briefing is received prior to deployment or whenever circumstances relevant to their safety or current tasking have changed.

·       Briefing on work to be undertaken is undertaken in an appropriate location.

·       Suitable visible clothing and protective equipment  are used.

·       Appropriate precautions  and clearances are followed when operating on or near aircraft movement areas.

·       Any approach to an operating aircraft  is made according to organisational aircraft approach procedures , from an angle visible to the pilot or flight crew and with approval of the pilot or flight crew.

·       Adequate clearance is maintained from propellers, rotors and/or turbine engines, exhaust gases and engine intakes.

·       Typical manoeuvring patterns of aircraft are anticipated through activities .

·       Any instructions or signals from pilots or staff controlling aircraft  are complied with

·       Site hazards  are identified.

·       Facilitate safe ground support

·       Appropriate precautions are observed when positioning vehicles or equipment close to aircraft.

·       Aircraft design features are respected while boarding, loading or handling aircraft.

·       Instructions from pilots and organisational staff coordinating aircraft operations, and organisational procedures and placards are followed during ground support operations.

·       Aircraft loading is conducted under pilot or flight crew member supervision and appropriate weight, balance and loading system are complied with.

·       Areas are designated and separated according to site features and the specific operations being conducted.

·       Fitting of equipment to an aircraft is conducted under pilot supervision in accordance with appropriate regulatory approvals.

·       Aircraft fuels, oils, and supplies are stored and handled according to regulatory requirements and organisational procedures.

·       Any suspected defects or hazards to aircraft or equipment are reported to pilot or other appropriate supervisor.

·       Appropriate aerodrome regulations are complied with.



Where to from here

If you are a ground crew operator, emergency services volunteer or worker, professional shooter or someone who undertakes work in the vicinity of operating aircraft and need to upgrade your skills contact the Team at Ballistic Training Today!

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