Ballistic Training Solutions Pty Ltd
ABN: 30 156 084 481 / ACN: 156 084 481 / RTO: 41097
Tailored Nationally Recognised Training To Meet Your Industry Needs
AVIO0018 Use firearms on an aerodrome to control wildlife hazards
Course Overview
This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to use firearms on an aerodrome to control wildlife hazards in compliance with relevant regulatory requirements of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and national operating standards.
It includes applying safety precautions in the use of firearms, and using appropriate firearms and ammunition to control wildlife hazards.
This unit addresses aviation technical skill requirements (physical, mental and task-management abilities) related to aerodrome security duties of ground operations personnel and contributes to safe and effective performance in complex aviation operational environments.
Operations are conducted as part of recreational, commercial and military aircraft activities across a variety of operational contexts within the Australian aviation industry.
Work is performed independently or under limited supervision as a single operator or within a team environment.
Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements are applicable to this unit.
Appropriate firearms licences and training are also required for those involved in training and assessment against this unit.
Harassment and Destruction of wildlife hazards must comply with state animal cruelty legislation.
Available Units of Competency
· AVIO0018 Use firearms on an aerodrome to control wildlife hazards (Elective)
Entry Requirements / Pre-Requisites
Strict eligibility criteria is specified on this program per Weapons Act Legislation
· Possess a Current Weapons (Firearms) License from your State/Territory with suitable occupational endorsements
· Possess a sound understanding of Wildlife Hazard Management Planning, Strategies and field application
· Have a thorough understanding of animal control and wildlife welfare responsibilities
· Have a thorough understanding and demonstrated application of Safe responsible firearms ownership
· Have a current Driver’s License
· No previous violations or orders that would preclude participation as an unfit person as specified in the relevant State/Territory Weapons Act and Regulations.
· Be familiar with and demonstrate field application of Risk Management and mitigation strategies
· Current Firearms Licence endorsed with both categories and activities being assessed is required. Practical assessment is a key part of the competency assessment.
· Current ASIC Card and suitable airside endorsements for driving, radio operation and wildlife hazard management activities
Qualification Structuring Rules
Unit: 1 Unit - AVIO0018 - Use firearms on an aerodrome to control wildlife hazards
Delivery Options
Face to face, workplace assisted and filed assessment and practical assessment activities
Course Duration:
1 - 2 Days depending on student & client requirements, worksite workshop delivery linked to worksite operational employment activities supported by Trainer/Assessor visits. Each client’s requirements being considered, some homework activity and student time management will be important to ensure we maintain the volume of learning requirements on this qualification.
​Assessment is facilitated by undertaken by our expert environmental firearms instructor/s with qualifications, certifications and a background in humane, ethical, environmental wildlife hazard management in aerodrome and aviation environments.
Safe transport, operation and storage of firearms will be assessed as part of this unit along with accuracy, technique and demonstrated application of core principles in the field for humane ethical animal management techniques.
Cost is determined based on the individual student requirements, assessment strategy and any potential funding applicable.
As an indicative guide the following options are available with this program:
· Qld User Choice Program Eligible - No
· Qld Certificate III Guarantee Eligible Program - No
· Non-Funded Full Course Fee - $900.00
· RPL Assessment Fee - N/A
Full details of fees and charges are available from Ballistic Training Solutions by contacting one of our consultants to discuss your individual requirements.
On successful completion you will receive a Nationally recognised Statement of Attainment.​
Education Pathways
This program is part of the AVI Aviation Training Package and links to further qualifications at the Certificate II, Certificate III, Certificate IV and Diploma levels.
Occupational Pathways
· Airside Operations Team Members
· Airport Wildlife Hazard Managers
Summary of Learning & Competency Outcomes
adapting to differences in equipment and operating environment in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOPs)
applying relevant legislation and workplace procedures
communicating effectively with others
completing relevant documentation
identifying and correctly using relevant equipment
implementing contingency plans
implementing work health and safety (WHS) procedures and relevant regulations
interpreting and following operational instructions and prioritising work
modifying activities depending on workplace contingencies, situations and environments
monitoring and anticipating operational problems and hazards and taking appropriate action
performing wildlife control measures in a humane fashion
reading, interpreting and following relevant regulations, instructions, procedures, information and signs
reporting and/or rectifying problems, faults or malfunctions promptly in accordance with workplace procedures
selecting and using required personal protective equipment (PPE) conforming to industry and WHS standards
using cracker shells and live shot safe, when using firearms on an aerodrome to control wildlife hazards
working systematically with required attention to detail without injury to self or others, or damage to goods or equipment.
aerodrome manual guidance material
aerodrome wildlife control zones, including:
airside areas
landside areas
emergency procedures
firearms, including:
firearm faults, including:
mechanical failure
procedures for managing and controlling hazardous situations when carrying out work activities
procedures for safely operating firearms
procedures for servicing and minor maintenance
relevant sections of national and state/territory regulatory requirements
relevant WHS and environmental procedures and regulations
requirements for completing relevant documentation
SOPs and control methods for wildlife hazards
steps involved in planning work activities
wildlife hazard control equipment, including:
ammunition types and storage
storage facilities applicable to weapon types
applicable classes of firearms
wildlife hazard management plan.
Assessment must satisfy the Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence and all regulatory requirements included within the Standards for Registered Training Organisations current at the time of assessment.
Assessment must occur in workplace operational situations. Where this is not appropriate, assessment must occur in simulated workplace operational situations that reflect workplace conditions.
Assessment processes and techniques must be appropriate to the language, literacy and numeracy requirements of the work being performed and the needs of the candidate.
Resources for assessment must include access to:
a range of relevant exercises, case studies and/or simulations
acceptable means of simulation assessment
applicable documentation, including workplace procedures, regulations, codes of practice and operation manuals
relevant materials, tools, equipment and PPE currently used in industry.
Where to from here
If you are an airport operator, airside operations team member or wildlife hazard officer needing to update your skills and certifications in airside wildlife hazard management with firearms, call the team at ballistic Training Solutions to discuss a tailored strategy for your needs today!