Ballistic Training Solutions Pty Ltd
ABN: 30 156 084 481 / ACN: 156 084 481 / RTO: 41097
Tailored Nationally Recognised Training To Meet Your Industry Needs
AHCPMG309 Apply Pest Animal Control Techniques
Course Overview
This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to apply control techniques for pest animals, in compliance with a pest management plan. This includes involving the use of vertebrate pesticides, traps (except leg hold traps), cages, lures and firearms with the animal humanely destroyed, in accordance with industry guidelines or protocols.
The unit applies to individuals who work under broad direction and take responsibility for their own work. They use discretion and judgement in the selection, allocation and use of available resources and for solving problems.
State or territory licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply in some jurisdictions.
Available Units of Competency
AHCPMG309 Apply Pest Animal Control Techniques (Elective)
Entry Requirements / Pre-Requisites
There are no entry requirements for this qualification however State/Territory Licencing may apply. All students should demonstrate a genuine occupation need for Animal Trapping for Control of Vertebrate Pests and be a fit and proper person under legislation for the use of approved poisons.
Qualification Structuring Rules
Unit: 1 Unit - AHCPMG309 Apply Pest Animal Control Techniques (Elective)
Delivery Options
Face to face, workplace assisted and remote delivery support strategies available.
Course Duration:
This unit is delivered in a workshop format with students completing underpinning knowledge assessment and application PRIOR to undertaking practical assessment in the workplace or simulated workplace. Students must have access to a suitable workplace environment that requires the planning application and use of vertebrate pest baiting programs.
Duration will vary depending on the existing knowledge and skills of participants but is generally targeted at a min of two-day face to face program for experienced operators. Each Students requirements being considered, some homework activity and student time management will be important to ensure we maintain the volume of learning requirements on this unit.
​Assessment is facilitated by undertaken by our expert environmental instructor/s with qualifications, certifications and a background in humane, ethical, conservation and environmental management.
Cost is determined based on the individual student requirements, assessment strategy and any potential funding applicable.
As an indicative guide the following options are available with this program:
· Qld User Choice Program Eligible - No
· Qld Certificate III Guarantee Eligible Program - No
· Non-Funded Full Course Fee - $800
· RPL Assessment Fee - N/A
Full details of fees and charges are available from Ballistic Training Solutions by contacting one of our consultants to discuss your individual requirements.
On successful completion you will receive a Nationally recognised Statement of Attainment.​
Education Pathways
This program is part of the AHC 3.0 Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package and links to further qualifications at the Certificate II, Certificate III, Certificate IV and Diploma levels.
Occupational Pathways
Property Owners / Primary producer /Research officer / National Parks & Wildlife Officers / Professional Vertebrate Pest Controllers / Aerial Baiting Operators / Conservation & Environment Officers / Local Council Officers / State Regulatory and Biosecurity Authorities.
Summary of Learning & Competency Outcomes
requirements for ensuring the welfare of animals described in the relevant Codes of Practice and standard operating procedures
the purpose and scope of the animal control program
suitable control techniques and timing of control activities based on:
the target animal's range, movement patterns, behaviour and habitats
the reproductive cycle of the target animal
target animal behaviours and biology relevant to control technique
food preferences, both general and local, of target animals
scent station and other animal tracks and traces
target pests and non-target native animals found in the area
the environment and terrain of the target area
appropriate calibre of firearm required to euthanise animals
euthanasia procedures, including capture and kill points for animals
licencing, permissions and notification protocols
precautions that need to be taken to minimise harm to non-target animals
health and safety in the workplace procedures that relate to animal control activities including personal protective equipment
recording and reporting requirements
procedures for using, recording and reconciling baits and poisons
relevant legislation for pest animal control activities
transportation methods for captured animals or carcasses
land reparation works, waste disposal and the environment.
identified the control techniques and selected equipment and resources required
Identified hazards and risks and controls measure
identified target and non-target animals
obtained permits and licences and notified stakeholders of intended works
checked vehicles, selected equipment and materials for serviceability and cleaned equipment before and after implementation
prepared timeline and selected and prepared the site for control activity and restored it on completion
prepared, installed and checked, safety warning signs, control equipment, materials according to plan
applied controls according to timelines and control plan
reconciled controls against plan within specified timeframes
recorded details of control activities to comply with enterprise and legislative requirements
reported results of control
reconciled, cleaned and maintained equipment and disposed of waste according to workplace and environmental procedures.
Where to from here
If you are a council officer, biosecurity team member or rural operator in need of your Animal Control (Trapping, Baiting etc) Trapping Certification contact the Team at Ballistic Training Today!